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How To Hide IP

There are a lot of individuals on the internet who seek ways for staying anonymous on the Internet and keep asking “how can I hide my IP?” But before answering the question, let us first take a look at what actually an IP address is.

What is an IP address?

An Internet Protocol address, commonly known as IP address, is a numerical label assigned to a computer or any other connecting device like printer. Hence it becomes the identity of a computer on the internet and all the connection and communication of this computer is done through the assigned IP address in the cyber world. This means that all the data sent and received by you is directed from and towards your computer only by the unique identity on your computer i.e. the IP address of your computer.

Why Should I Hide My IP?

hide ip addressThe question “Why should I hide my IP?”can arise in people’s minds who do not know the importance of online security as well as the threats they might face while surfing the Internet. It should be noted here that all the viral attacks on the Internet are done on known IP addresses. Secondly, if you are not hiding you IP address, then you are presenting yourself to the cyber criminals who can easily steal your private information. Now, the important thing to know is that how can you protect yourself from these cyber criminals or any hacker from attacking you and stealing your private data. The answer to this question is “Hide your IP”.

How to Hide My IP?

There are several ways through which you can hide your IP address. Most widely used methods are mentioned below.

  • The primary method through which you can hide your IP is the usage of an anonymous proxy server. Although they are widely used for staying anonymous online yet they are termed as unreliable. In addition to this, their speed is not quite up to the mark; hence they cannot be characterized as a permanent solution to this problem.
  • A few other methods include distorting your Proxy and Web Based Proxy Servers but again, these methods do not provide adequate means of protection and have speed issues as well.

Now you might be wondering about the permanent yet reliable solution to this problem. The solution to this problem lies in the usage of VPN, “Virtual Private Network”.

Use VPN to Hide Your IP!

Virtual Private Network, commonly known as VPN, is the only reliable method through which you can hide your IP address. It masks your IP address to one of its own IP addresses while encrypting the data as well. In this way you can access the Internet while staying anonymous in the cyber world and most importantly no one will be able to see your real IP address. Moreover, VPN is far more secure than a proxy server and usually has no speed issues at all. So, in this way you get the premium service from a   with added advantages of security.

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One Response to "How To Hide IP"

  1. Kaylynn says:

    These topics are so confsunig but this helped me get the job done.

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